Privacy Policy

In compliance with the provisions of the applicable Personal Data Protection regulations, Mondovip Ecommerce SL., domiciled at Calle Orense, 83 Bajo, 28020 Madrid (hereinafter, “Mondovip Ecom”) informs the user that personal data that you provide to Mondovip Ecom through suitable forms or through browsing on any web pages, social networks or, in general, any media capable of capturing data that is the responsibility of Mondovip Ecom (the “Data” ), will be incorporated into a file for which Mondovip Ecom is responsible. Mondovip Ecom guarantees that, in relation to said file, all legal, technical and organizational measures will be adopted as necessary to preserve the data of illegitimate interference and unauthorized access by third parties. For its part, the user will be fully responsible for the accuracy, veracity and authenticity of the Data provided. The Data will be treated for the maintenance, management and fulfillment of any possible contractual relationships with the user, as well as for the management of their participation in the websites and social networks of Mondovip Ecom, as well as in any competitions, activities, promotions or any other initiatives or actions organized by Mondovip Ecom in the corresponding media or media, as appropriate.

The user may also voluntarily provide additional information in certain sections or spaces of web pages, social networks or any other Mondovip Ecom media. The decision to provide such information is exclusively for the user, although Mondovip Ecom recommends that you do not provide more personal information than is necessary in accordance with the purposes for which you provide it. In any case and moment, the user may request the cancellation in the sending of commercial communications, as well as exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by means of communication addressed to the registered address of Mondovip Ecom at the mentioned start, or via email addressed to For the requests related to the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, it will be necessary to duly prove that it is the user who owns the Data who exercises the right invoked by means of a copy of the DNI or equivalent document.

Mondovip Ecom is not responsible for any data processing carried out by third parties that establish hyperlinks with Mondovip Ecom media, nor for those responsible for whom through users of Mondovip Ecom hyperlinks are sent to users of Your web pages.

Except in expressly determined cases and always with the consent of the parents or guardians, Mondovip Ecom does not collect or process Data of ownership of persons under fourteen (14) years. Therefore, it warns those who make use of web pages, social networks or, in general, any media capable of capturing data that are the responsibility of Mondovip Ecom that, in case they do not reach said minimum age, they must refrain from Provide your data. In the event that, disregarding this request, said Data is provided and Mondovip Ecom becomes aware, or reasonably intuits that they belong to children under fourteen (14) years, Mondovip Ecom will proceed to the immediate elimination of said Data. To this end, parents or guardians are informed that in any case and at any time they can go to Mondovip Ecom to block the access account of the minors in their care who had registered on any other web pages or media susceptible to data collection that are the responsibility of Mondovip Ecom.

Privacy Policy effective as of October 1, 2021